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HGT magazine classified deadlines:  Dec 20th for the JanFeb issue, Feb 20/MarApril, April 20/MayJune, June 20/JulyAug, Aug 20/SeptOct and Oct20/NovDec.

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Featured Local Treasures

Kayoko's Prints, Cards & Select Originals
Looking for beautiful cards or prints created by a local artist? Click the picture to view more of Kayoko's talented works! __________________________


Posting Guidelines

Haida Gwaii Trader is a family website. Please utilize this service with utmost respect to your community.

Postings that contain any of the following are prohibited:

  • inappropriate adult content
  • politically biased or any form of hate speech
  • deliberately misleading information
  • for profit posting in any of the free posting locations
  • spam
  • posting for the sole purpose of sending traffic to another web site
  • items that are illegal to own, buy or sell in the province of British Columbia
  • same postings in multiple categories

So as to maintain a respectful environment for all, we reserve the right to edit or delete any posting we deem inappropriate.

Thank you for taking the time to read our posting guidelines.

Happy Posting and Browsing!

Haida Gwaii Trader Administration



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