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Kayoko's Prints, Cards & Select Originals
Looking for beautiful cards or prints created by a local artist? Click the picture to view more of Kayoko's talented works! __________________________


looking for cabin or small home in Nature

See all ads from will444
Looking for either rent or rent to own is ideal. It can be a project to renovate or off the grid setting.Water and solar panel or windmill are necessary as I am working from home. Love woodstove or pellet stove.
Helping someone elderly is an option as well for reduced rent. I am skilled in cooking and gardening as well as management /marketing..
I will also consider bare land, if I like the location.

I am quiet and responsible and have strong respect for Nature and Haida people.

I need internet as I will be finishing my book and some art projects I started.
Please keep your eyes and ears open . I will have this ad running until I find my place on Earth. Thank you.
Selling Options: None Specified
City or Town: Tlell
Price: 12345
Phone: 2502410099
Contact Name: Willow
Email: canadianwildliferescue@gmail.com
looking for cabin  or small home in Naturelooking for cabin  or small home in Naturelooking for cabin  or small home in Nature

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