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Kayoko's Prints, Cards & Select Originals
Looking for beautiful cards or prints created by a local artist? Click the picture to view more of Kayoko's talented works! __________________________


Wanted a small breed puppy, my baby died in November

See all ads from Nung Koyas
My best dog, my best friend, my dog died in november and I need to find a new best friend a small breed puppy,
Hopefully if you have one it is free or cheap as I am on disability. I am overflowing with love for a new puppy male or female not picky. I am limited in lifting ability, thus that is why I need a small breed pupp my limit is 25 lbs. I cannot lift over this weight. I really appreciate your taking time to read my ad and hope someone knows a person whose dog is going to have puppies soon.
My last baby was a pomeranian cross a great dog.
City or Town: Old Massett
Phone: 2506266014
Contact Name: nung koyas kevin jager
Email: kevjager.haida@gmail.com

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