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Featured Local Treasures

Kayoko's Prints, Cards & Select Originals
Looking for beautiful cards or prints created by a local artist? Click the picture to view more of Kayoko's talented works! __________________________


Opportunities for support workers

See all ads from anvilcove
Type of Work: Full or Part Time
Alder House is looking for full or part time Program Support workers (PSW). Starting salary is $22.00 per hour.
Reporting to the Program Manager, the PSWs function as part of a team to provide a range of supports serving Alder House residents, many of whom are living with mental illness and/or substance abuse. The PSW facilitates life skills development and provides emotional and practical support and referrals to appropriate health and community services to assist the Program Participant to attain a successful occupancy outcome.
Successful candidates should have the ability to communicate clearly and sensitively with vulnerable people, to build and maintain relationships with participants, have a high level of patience and emotional resilience and strong organizational skills. Required is a High School Diploma (or a combination of skills and experience), ability to complete BC Housing required any required training, basic computer experience and completion of a Vulnerable Criminal Record check.
For more information, please contact Sandra Dean McKay or Jessa Griffith at jessa.griffith@alderhouse.ca or call 778 260 3420.
City or Town: Daajing Giids
Document Link:
Phone: 778 260 3420
Email: jessa.griffith@alderhouse.ca
Opportunities for support workers

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