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Isabel Creek - The Next Generation Print
Written by Jamie McDonald   
29 November 2021


Many baby boomer business owners are now retiring, and many find themselves at a crossroads, trying to figure out if they should sell their business or pass it along to a successor. Cecile Houle and Jeremie Hyatt of Isabel Creek Store found themselves at such a crossroad, and have been successful at finding succession!

A Bit of History


Isabel Creek Store was started as a food buying club in 1989 by a collective of women who wanted to access healthy whole foods to feed their young families. In 1990, Cecile Houle and Gail Hyatt decided to take the food buying club into the next dimension, establishing it as a store in the current building. The store has been reliably providing produce and groceries to the communities of Haida Gwaii ever since. In 2004, after a difficult struggle with cancer, Gail passed away and her husband Jeremie stepped into the role of co-owner with Cecile. They did several building improvements and saw the business reach new levels of success through various other advancements in the years that followed. In February 2021, when Jeremie retired to climb as many mountains as possible, Mecca Huston and Crystal Holdershaw stepped in as co-owners with Cecile.

I chatted with new co-owners Mecca and Crystal.

Jamie: What prompted you to become co-owners with Cecile?


Mecca : When I was 14 years old, my very first summer job was at Isabel Creek Store. Over the past twenty years, I’ve worked there off and on for periods, always coming back because I feel at home with this place and the people that move through it. After having my first child three years ago, Jeremie started to express a desire to retire from the business, and I saw an opportunity to channel my love for the store and it’s ethos into a means to support my family. When we took on co-ownership, my second child was 4 months old and although it has been a challenge to balance family life with the business, I’ve felt unimaginably supported by all the good humans that work at Isabel Creek Store and I don’t have a single regret with the choice to take this on.

Crystal : When I moved back to Haida Gwaii in 2008 with my young kids, I looked for work in an environment that was supportive, healthy and family friendly. For many years my kids would walk to the store after school and now as young adults, they remember the store fondly as part of their growing up. After working at the store for 5 years I became the store manager, and Jeremie and I would joke that one day I should buy into the store. Years later he asked me again but this time more seriously. I was hesitant as it was a big jump, but once I found out that Mecca would also be a co-owner with me, I was positive it would be a good move. I am so grateful to have been given such a great opportunity and am so happy to be working with these amazing ladies.

isabel-creek-03When they first became co-owners, Mecca and Crystal sat down and agreed on the following Mission: “To Provide quality food to residents of Haida Gwaii and to provide information and dialogue on food choices to promote healthy living.” They also laid out the company values:

  • To support local growers and makers whenever possible.
  • To maintain a positive and healthy work environment for our employees.
  • To provide a living wage to all employees.

Beyond those more official statements, they are exploring different ideas for making quality products more accessible for all residents of Haida Gwaii. One of these ideas that has come to fruition is their new personal shopping service. When Covid guidelines for mitigating transmission came down the pipes, they had to figure out some way to keep their good food and small space accessible for those who were vulnerable and/or uncomfortable shopping in person. And so they began offering a personal shopping service. Customers can email their grocery list, and employees will put it together for them to pick up when ready. Grocery orders can be picked up in person or delivered by Port Air Cargo ($20 fee, call 250-557-4795 to arrange delivery).



Special message from Isabel Creek Store owners:

“First and foremost, the lifeblood of this business is our employees and we’ve worked hard to find and retain some truly great ones. Maryanna and Jill keep the engines running and are deep pools of wisdom when it comes to healthy living, growing food and living life intentionally. Also crucial to the success of Isabel Creek Store are our customers. So many new and old excellent humans come through the store on a regular basis, and it’s been a wonderful opportunity to learn from them and get to know them. We are all grateful to have the support of the communities of Haida Gwaii, and we don’t take it for granted.”

Congratulations Cecile, Mecca, and Crystal, and thank you for stepping up for the welfare of our communities!

Isabel Creek Store Limited

3219 Wharf Street, Queen Charlotte,

Phone/Fax: 1-250-559-8623; email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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